
Why appreciate bats?

Why appreciate bats?

Some people are afraid of bats, but we think bats are getting a bum rap. They play valuable roles in controlling pests, pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds. And you don’t need to fear them. Bat myths First, let’s dispel some bat myths. “Contrary...
Managing chafer beetles in June: water your lawn

Managing chafer beetles in June: water your lawn

Does your lawn look like it has been rototilled? It is likely the result of hungry wildlife feeding on an invasive insect, the European chafer beetle, found in turf. People have reported major damage to their lawns, and local cities have seen destruction of athletic...
Save a tree: how to water your trees

Save a tree: how to water your trees

Why you need to water  It is very important to water your newly planted trees during the establishment period (first five years after planting). This is just as important as where you plant them for their long-term health and resilience. Planting a tree is a critical...
Water like Goldilocks

Water like Goldilocks

Think about Goldilocks and the Three Bears when you water your lawn and garden. Too little water and too much water are both bad for your plants. Water like Goldilocks: just right. Too little water Drought stress has a number of harmful impacts on garden plants. Lawns...
For Earth Day, grow a Bee Friendly Lawn

For Earth Day, grow a Bee Friendly Lawn

Would you like to help the earth in your own yard this Earth Day? Then change your lawn care practices. Growing a Bee Friendly Lawn will help our native bees, along with birds and other beneficial insects. And your lawn will look better, with less impact on the earth....
Celebrate Earth Day 2024

Celebrate Earth Day 2024

April is Earth Month, and April 22 is Earth Day 2024. We hope you will take time this month to connect with nature, expand your knowledge, join with others and take action to help the planet. Connect with nature Spring blossoms are emerging on trees and in yards...
How to deal with moles

How to deal with moles

Moles are easy for homeowners to hate. When they discover mounds in their lawn or next to a beloved plant, most people want to deal with moles quickly and effectively. Unfortunately, dealing with moles is not easy, and many methods are not very effective. Here are...
It’s time to prune your roses

It’s time to prune your roses

The best time to prune roses in the Seattle area is late February through early March. You don’t want to do it too early in the season because pruning encourages new growth. “Pruning earlier than that risks the new growth getting killed off by bad weather,...
Is it time to change your landscape?

Is it time to change your landscape?

This cold and rainy weather may keep us indoors, but it also provides an opportunity for reflection. Perhaps it is time to think about making changes to your landscape design. Imagine yourself outside in your yard last year. How did you use the space? How would you...
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