
What’s the deal with Roundup?

What’s the deal with Roundup?

Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world. Is Roundup dangerous? How harmful is Roundup to your own health and to the natural environment? What can or should you do? Does Roundup cause cancer? Is Roundup dangerous to your health? There is no clear answer...
Tips for successful vegetable gardening

Tips for successful vegetable gardening

Vegetable gardening has grown more popular, as more people are working from home and spending more time in their yards. Many people enjoy the satisfaction of growing their own flavorful, colorful and nutritious food. If you are new to vegetable gardening, here are a...
It’s time to add mason bees!

It’s time to add mason bees!

March is the perfect time to add mason bees to your yard. These small, shy bees are a great way to increase your fruit harvest and encourage native flowers in your yard. They are called mason bees because they use clayey mud to build protective walls. Choose a warm,...
Root weevils: troublesome pests

Root weevils: troublesome pests

Root weevils are one of the top pests that damage plants in the Pacific Northwest—and around the world. They are difficult to find because they are most active at night, and they are not easy to control. There are, however, a number of things you can do to prevent and...
Don’t worry about lawn mushrooms

Don’t worry about lawn mushrooms

The heavy rains we have had lately may have led to mushrooms sprouting in your lawn or garden beds. Clients often ask us if they should worry about these mushrooms. Should you be concerned? In most cases, having mushrooms in your lawn is a good sign. It means that it...
Stories, tips and garden wisdom from Ciscoe

Stories, tips and garden wisdom from Ciscoe

Late summer is a great time to enjoy a good book. If you’d like to have some good laughs while learning about natural gardening methods, check out Ciscoe Morris’ latest book, Oh, La La! Homegrown Stories, Helpful Tips, and Garden Wisdom. Ciscoe is a zany...
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