
Growing your own vegetables
Are you thinking about growing your own food? Home-grown vegetables and fruits are more delicious than the food you can buy at the store. And you are helping the environment by growing vegetables because your food is not shipped from distant lands. Growing a food...
In Harmony services build healthy landscapes
In Harmony service technicians visit our clients’ landscapes several times a year to build the health of their trees, shrubs and lawns. Perhaps you are a client for one of our services and wonder what else we do. We offer both natural lawn care and natural tree...
Do your trees and shrubs need winter pruning?
The leaves have fallen from most trees and shrubs. Now you can see the “bones” of your landscape, the structure and shape of your plants. This is a great time to walk around your landscape and look carefully at your trees and shrubs. Do you see branches...
Effective microorganisms improve soil and plant health
We are now brewing effective microorganisms (EM) and applying them to our clients’ landscapes. If you are a natural tree and shrub care client, we will visit you soon to apply EM to your landscape. This organic, non-GMO product is packed full of probiotic,...
How to prevent and limit root weevil damage
Root weevils can be a troublesome pest of rhododendrons and other evergreen shrubs. It may seem like the damage to plant leaves appears out of nowhere. Because the adult root weevils feed at night, we see the damage but no insects. Notched leaves, especially along the...
Mushrooms sprouting in your lawn?
After it rains, you might see mushrooms sprouting in your lawn or garden beds. Clients often ask us if they should worry about these mushrooms. Should you be concerned? In most cases, having mushrooms in your lawn is a good sign. It means that it is healthy, with...
Climate change and your landscape
When we started In Harmony in 1986, no one was talking about climate change. In recent years, it is hard not to talk about it. Climate change is having big impacts on our landscapes. We need to learn to deal with the changing reality.

Soil health: how ideas have changed over 25 years
During our 25 years in business, ideas about soil health have changed from focusing on chemistry to focusing on biology. Earthworms and a variety of smaller critters play key roles in soil health.

Our yard care services use local, organic products
Our natural lawn, tree and shrub care services have always used organic products to build soil health. We choose a variety of products that feed soil microorganisms. These tiny critters work to keep plants healthy. What we use We are now using Hendrikus fertilizer...
Soil is alive
At In Harmony, we talk a lot about building healthy soil. But what does that mean? Take a moment to consider: soil is alive. It is not just the dirt under your fingernails. Soil is teeming with tiny critters that work to keep plants healthy. Unfortunately, many urban...
Add mulch now to reduce summer water needs
A thick layer of mulch is an effective way to reduce your plants’ water needs. A few inches of mulch insulates the soil and helps to keep it from drying out. As our summers get hotter and drier, mulch is increasingly important to help keep your plants and trees from...
It’s time to think about watering; check out our watering resources
Spring is a good time to think about how much water your plants will need this growing season and how you will provide it. Our watering resources will help you water properly to keep your plants healthy. Last year we had very little rain in May and June. Some plants...
Helping birds, bees and wildlife in your landscape
During this harsh winter weather, you may think about our wild friends. Birds, wildlife, native bees and other pollinators may have a hard time finding food, water and shelter. If you have a bird feeder, make sure it has plenty of food. In Harmony has always valued...