
How to fertilize your lawn

How to fertilize your lawn

May is a great month to fertilize your lawn. Using organic or slow-release fertilizer will slowly feed your lawn over time. It is also less likely to run off into local streams and lakes. This video explains how to choose fertilizer, how to measure the right amount...
Know your soil: get a soil test

Know your soil: get a soil test

In order to grow a healthy lawn and garden, you need to know your soil. A soil test will tell you what nutrients your soil needs, its acidity and the organic matter content. This video explains how to take soil samples in your lawn. We recommend sending your samples...
Now is the time to aerate and overseed your lawn

Now is the time to aerate and overseed your lawn

Annual aeration and overseeding are important to keep your lawn green and healthy. Aeration helps air, water and fertilizer penetrate into the root zone. Overseeding thickens the lawns, which helps ward against weeds and moss. Top dressing with compost adds nutrients...
Dealing with moss problems in lawns

Dealing with moss problems in lawns

Are you fighting moss in your lawn? Moss invades lawns when the grass does not have the right conditions to be healthy. If the lawn is healthy and in a location that favors grass, it can outcompete moss. Still, western Washington provides an ideal growing environment...
How to mow to keep your lawn healthy

How to mow to keep your lawn healthy

The grass is growing, and your lawn may need mowing. Before you get out the mower, take a look at this video about how to mow for a healthy lawn. A properly mowed lawn will need less fertilizer, better resist weeds and have less drought stress in summer. The star is...
Mowing tips for a healthy lawn

Mowing tips for a healthy lawn

It’s spring, and everyone’s lawn is growing again. Now is a good time to review your mowing practices. They can make a big difference in how well your lawn performs. Start with your mower. Next time you haul it out of the garage, take a good look. Is the blade sharp?...
Managing moss in the lawn

Managing moss in the lawn

When we asked our clients what you wanted to know about your landscape, many of you asked about moss. Moss is a very successful plant in the Pacific Northwest. But you knew that already. If you have moss in your lawn, it means the lawn does not have the right...
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