
Best roses for the Pacific Northwest

Best roses for the Pacific Northwest

Roses are popular shrubs in Pacific Northwest gardens, despite the challenges of growing them in our damp climate. If you would like to increase your success with roses, check out our blog posts on Tips for growing roses in western Washington and Choosing and growing...
Root weevils: troublesome pests

Root weevils: troublesome pests

Root weevils are one of the top pests that damage plants in the Pacific Northwest—and around the world. They are difficult to find because they are most active at night, and they are not easy to control. There are, however, a number of things you can do to prevent and...
Help save the bees!

Help save the bees!

Bees are the most important living beings on this planet, the Earthwatch Institute declared in a recent meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of London. However, wildlife experts and scientists conclude that bees are on the endangered species list. According to...
Moss in your lawn: we can help

Moss in your lawn: we can help

How does your lawn look? Has moss invaded your lawn during this wet winter? If your lawn is healthy and in a location that favors grass, it can outcompete moss. Still, our cool, damp climate in western Washington provides an ideal environment for moss to thrive. You...
Celebrate Pollinator Week

Celebrate Pollinator Week

Next week, June 17-23, is Pollinator Week. Join others to celebrate pollinators in this annual national event. We love pollinators because they help flowers bloom and crops grow. Pollinators include bees, moths, wasps, butterflies, many insects and even bats. A third...
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