
In Harmony services build healthy landscapes
In Harmony service technicians visit our clients’ landscapes several times a year to build the health of their trees, shrubs and lawns. Perhaps you are a client for one of our services and wonder what else we do. We offer both natural lawn care and natural tree...
Control troublesome pests with dormant oils
Some unwanted insects and mites survive the winter on leafless twigs, tree bark or hardened-off evergreen needles. Dormant oils can kill these pests without harming the trees. In Harmony uses dormant oils in winter as needed to kill the eggs or mature females of...
Do your trees and shrubs need winter pruning?
The leaves have fallen from most trees and shrubs. Now you can see the “bones” of your landscape, the structure and shape of your plants. This is a great time to walk around your landscape and look carefully at your trees and shrubs. Do you see branches...
Effective microorganisms improve soil and plant health
We are now brewing effective microorganisms (EM) and applying them to our clients’ landscapes. If you are a natural tree and shrub care client, we will visit you soon to apply EM to your landscape. This organic, non-GMO product is packed full of probiotic,...
Climate change and your landscape
When we started In Harmony in 1986, no one was talking about climate change. In recent years, it is hard not to talk about it. Climate change is having big impacts on our landscapes. We need to learn to deal with the changing reality.

It’s time to water your trees!
We are seeing signs of drought stress in many of our clients’ trees. Perhaps leaves have wilted, turned brown or dropped. Perhaps twigs, or even small branches, have dropped. Are you seeing these signs in any of your trees? The time to water your trees is now!...
Don’t top your tree for views
Perhaps you have a large tree that is blocking your view of the water or mountains. Some people think the solution is to top the tree to make it shorter. That is not a good short-term or long-term strategy. Trees may enhance your view by framing the vista and adding...
Winter pruning helps trees and shrubs stay healthy
This is a great time of year to take a close look at your trees and shrubs. Now that deciduous plants have lost their leaves, you can better see their shape and branches. Perhaps you have a plant that is growing too densely. There may be branches that are dead or...
Tree Hugger Bingo: a zany good time
Tree Hugger Bingo is your chance to have fun, win plants and help raise funds for Plant Amnesty, one of our favorite organizations. Zany Ciscoe Morris and Dominic Barrera, Plant Amnesty executive director, will host the event. It’s a lively evening, with chili,...
Invest in watering for landscape dividends
The warm and sunny weather we have had this week is a precursor of the hot, dry summer we can expect ahead. In an average year, Seattle’s monthly rainfall is five or six inches in December and January but less than an inch in July and August. Watering your...
Plants need water to survive and thrive
“Plants can’t survive without water.” I bet you won’t find anyone who will disagree with that statement. But many homeowners act as if it wasn’t true. They let their plants go for months during the dry summer season without giving them...
It’s not too late for winter pruning
Take time between rainstorms to walk around your yard and look at your trees and shrubs. Do you find ones that are growing too densely? Do you see crossing branches or branches? Do you see signs of damage or disease? Mid to late winter is an excellent time to prune....
Join annual City Fruit harvest
Do you love apples, pears, plums and other tree fruit? Now is your chance to help get that fruit off the tree and to people who need it. Join the Great Seattle Fruit Harvest. Each year the nonprofit group City Fruit mobilizes volunteers to harvest fruit from...