
How to water your landscape
The weather is hot again, with highs predicted in the 80s over the next few days. To help your plants survive in the summer heat, they need water. Don’t delay! How to water effectively Water slowly and deeply for healthy plants. The best practice is to water...
Water your trees for their health
With the prolonged drought this spring, and the recent record heat wave, your trees are likely suffering from drought stress. This makes them more prone to diseases and pests. You need to water your trees during hot, dry weather to keep them healthy and improve their...
Watering tips for Seattle landscapes
The Seattle area had a remarkably dry spring. From March through May we received just over half of normal rainfall. Plants are already feeling the effects. And we expect less rain in summer. While June is often rainy, July and September are normally the driest months...
Quick summer lawn care tips
How do you keep your lawn healthy during our hot, dry summers? In July and August the average Seattle rainfall is an inch or less per month, and the average temperature is about 75 degrees. Those conditions make it tough for lawns. Now is the time to adopt lawn care...
How to manage lace bugs: take action now
The weather in the Seattle area this spring has been warmer and drier than normal, creating favorable conditions for lace bugs. So our service techs are seeing lace bugs on shrubs in some of our clients’ landscapes, mainly on rhododendrons and azaleas. Here are tips...
Summer watering tips
The weather is hot! Highs in the 80s are predicted for today and tomorrow, and 70s next week. To help your plants survive in the summer heat, they need water. What to water All new plantings—trees, shrubs, perennials, lawn—need regular water for the first two to three...
Tips for summer lawn health
Summer has arrived. We expect temperatures in the 80s by next week. Follow these tips for summer lawn health to help your lawn perform well during the hot, dry season. Why should you water your lawn in summer? Some people stop watering their lawn in summer, thinking...
How to manage lace bugs
We are seeing lace bugs on shrubs in some of our clients’ landscapes. Usually the main difference between having a few lacebugs or having an epidemic? Giving your plants enough water. We mainly see lace bugs on rhododendrons and azaleas and occasionally on other...
Help the earth in your own yard to celebrate 50th Earth Day
[Ed. note: While our business is closed to reduce spread of the coronavirus, we are editing and reprinting some of our popular blog posts.] Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Now that we are staying at home, it is a good time to look at how you can help...
Moss control: short-term and long-term solutions
Moss can be a major problem for lawns in our cool, damp climate. A healthy lawn that gets enough sunlight can outcompete moss. But it is difficult to banish moss entirely. Option: Moss control treatment If you would like, we can apply a moss control treatment to your...
Climate change and your landscape
When we started In Harmony in 1986, no one was talking about climate change. In recent years, it is hard not to talk about it. Climate change is having big impacts on our landscapes. We need to learn to deal with the changing reality.

It’s time to water your trees!
We are seeing signs of drought stress in many of our clients’ trees. Perhaps leaves have wilted, turned brown or dropped. Perhaps twigs, or even small branches, have dropped. Are you seeing these signs in any of your trees? The time to water your trees is now!...
7 tips for water-wise gardening
It’s only May, and large parts of Washington are already in a drought. On Monday Governor Inslee announced that he is declaring a drought emergency for nearly half the state. The emergency is caused by low snowfall and a lower than average snowpack. Fortunately,...