Effective microorganisms help to improve soil and plant health.
We are now brewing effective microorganisms (EM) and applying them to our clients’ landscapes. If you are a natural tree and shrub care client, we will visit you soon to apply EM to your landscape.
This organic, non-GMO product is packed full of probiotic, beneficial microorganisms that increase biological activity in the soil. This improves soil health, leading to better plant health.
The Permaculture Research Institute cited a number of studies about the positive benefits of effective microorganisms. They suppress soil-borne pathogens. They also increase the decomposition of organic materials, making nutrients and organic compounds available to plants. Improved soil fertility has a positive effect on plant growth, flowering, fruit development and ripening in crops.
EM is just one of the services we offer as an alternative to chemical use. Give us a call if you would like us to help your landscape thrive with our natural tree and shrub care services.
Find out more about what EM is and why we use it in this short video.