Help keep your lawn healthy by cleaning and sharpening your mower blades. Start the growing season right by maintaining your mower.
It’s spring, which means it’s time to get ready for the lawn mowing season. This year In Harmony is launching Bee Friendly Lawn. Join us in helping save our native bees by keeping a healthy lawn.
If you keep your lawn healthy, you will have fewer problems with weeds and moss. We will not use weed and moss killer on lawns that are not maintained properly.
Mower maintenance is an important step in growing a healthy lawn. There are two important aspects: cleaning and sharpening.
Cleaning mower blades
It is important to clean the mower blades regularly to reduce the spread of red thread and other fungal diseases.
When you cut your grass, you are creating open wounds in the grass blades. These open wounds are susceptible to infection by diseases. Cleaning the lawn mower blade will greatly reduce reduce the chance of infection.
Here is a link to steps to safely clean your mower. If you prefer, you can watch a video on how to clean your mower.
If you have a company mow your lawn, ask them to clean the blades before they mow your lawn.
Sharpening mower blades
You need sharp lawn mower blades to have a healthy, good-looking lawn. A sharp mower blade will cut the grass cleanly. Mowing with a dull blade can create a ragged cut, turning grass brown. Ragged blades are also more susceptible to disease.
Here are two guides with step-by-step instructions on how to sharpen your mower blades. The first is from Home Depot and the second from the Family Handyman. And here is a video on blade sharpening from This Old House.
You can also have a professional at a mower repair shop sharpen your mower blade for a reasonable price. Search for “mower sharpening service” online to find a shop near you.
Visit our website to find out more about In Harmony’s natural lawn care services.