Natural Tree & Shrub Care
Natural tree and shrub care is essential for healthy landscapes.
Like humans, plants do best when they are healthy. When plants are healthy, their natural defenses tend to protect them from problem insects and diseases.
In Harmony’s natural tree and shrub care services help by creating the conditions that keep your landscape and garden ecosystem in balance.
Be sure to see our three key steps to tree and shrub care, and additional services shown below.
Our natural tree and shrub care services involve three key steps:
Details of our natural tree and shrub care services include:
Fertilization and Deep-Root Feedings
Services include:
- 100% organic granular fertilizer
- Deep-root feedings to develop strong root systems and healthy plants
- Foliar feedings using such products as compost tea and sea kelp
- Soil drenches with mycorrhizae (beneficial fungi)
Our organic products add vital organic matter to your soil and will dramatically enhance your soil’s micro-organism population, which is the life of your soil.
Disease/Pest Management
In Harmony regularly monitors your trees and shrubs and develops a treatment strategy around their needs. This could include:
- dormant oil sprays
- selective treatments for insect and disease control
- nematodes for root weevil control
- and more
In the well-kept landscapes of residential areas this natural cycle often does not happen. Instead, leaves and needles are raked away, leaving bare soil. The topsoil erodes, the landscape cannot retain vital moisture, and it lacks important nutrients and microbial life. Using high quality mulches will:
- add beneficial microbial life
- improve soil structure
- encourage earthworms to burrow, which helps aerate and drain the soil
- encourage beneficial insects, which prey on insect pests and help prevent future infestations
- suppress weeds
- reduce evaporation, keeping the soil cool and moist during hot summers
- insulate roots from winter temperature extremes
The best time to apply mulch is in the spring and fall months. In Harmony offers application of organic mulch.