
Dealing with moss problems in lawns

Dealing with moss problems in lawns

Are you fighting moss in your lawn? Moss invades lawns when the grass does not have the right conditions to be healthy. If the lawn is healthy and in a location that favors grass, it can outcompete moss. Still, western Washington provides an ideal growing environment...
How to mow to keep your lawn healthy

How to mow to keep your lawn healthy

The grass is growing, and your lawn may need mowing. Before you get out the mower, take a look at this video about how to mow for a healthy lawn. A properly mowed lawn will need less fertilizer, better resist weeds and have less drought stress in summer. The star is...
Choosing the right apple tree

Choosing the right apple tree

Do you like the idea of eating apples off your own tree? Perhaps you haven’t planted a tree because you have heard that our damp climate makes it challenging to grow apples. The good news is that you can successfully grow healthy, delicious apples in western...
Winter is a great time to prune

Winter is a great time to prune

January and February are great months to prune your trees and shrubs. Woody plants are dormant, and deciduous trees and shrubs have lost their leaves, making it easy to see their shape. In Harmony has ISA Certified Arborists on staff. They are experts at selective...
Celebrating nature and the winter solstice

Celebrating nature and the winter solstice

The winter solstice has been celebrated in cultures around the world for thousands of years. The solstice marks the shortest, darkest day of the year. It also marks the rebirth of the sun, when days begin to grow longer. This year the winter solstice occurs in Seattle...
Time to give thanks

Time to give thanks

Thank you to our clients for your business and for trusting us with your landscapes. And thank you for being our partners in building a healthier planet one landscape at a time. Here is an Iroquois prayer of thanksgiving. We return thanks to our mother, the earth,...
Fall is a great time to plant

Fall is a great time to plant

There’s a good article this week on Houzz about why you should plant in the fall. Here’s a quick summary. Planting in fall will stress your plants less: cooler temperatures and no hot sun to scorch them. You don’t have to spend a lot of time watering...
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