Nov 12, 2020 | Garden Care, Landscape Care, Lawn Care, Pest Control, Tree Care, Video
Now that the rains and cooler weather have returned, it’s time to take care of some fall garden tasks. Work that you do now will help make your plants healthier and your yard easier to care for next year. In Harmony can also help you in this process. Here are some...
Oct 28, 2020 | Landscape Design
The weather is growing colder and wetter, and this year we are all spending more time at home. As a result, many people are thinking about creating a comfortable outdoor space where they can safely socialize with friends and family this fall and winter. This might be...
Oct 22, 2020 | Garden Care, Pest Control, Recommended Plants
Root weevils are one of the top pests that damage plants in the Pacific Northwest—and around the world. They are difficult to find because they are most active at night, and they are not easy to control. There are, however, a number of things you can do to prevent and...
Oct 15, 2020 | Disease Control, Garden Care, Lawn Care
The heavy rains we have had lately may have led to mushrooms sprouting in your lawn or garden beds. Clients often ask us if they should worry about these mushrooms. Should you be concerned? In most cases, having mushrooms in your lawn is a good sign. It means that it...
Oct 1, 2020 | Eco-friendly Gardening, Tree Care
Are you concerned about the future of our planet? Plant a tree! Trees can help keep us and the planet healthy. And autumn is a perfect time to add a tree to your landscape. Benefits of trees Trees help us breathe Trees produce oxygen. Without trees, life could...
Sep 16, 2020 | Community
As the pandemic drags on, more and more people in our state are facing a food crisis. Food providers expect the crisis to continue for months to come. Over half a million people in Washington have filed for unemployment since March. As a result of COVID-19, the number...
Sep 10, 2020 | Lawn Care, Video
Autumn is a great time to get your lawn aerated. We are now planning our fall aeration schedule. Aeration will do wonders to improve lawn health. Over time the top layer of your lawn’s soil naturally becomes compacted. Roots find it harder to get air, water and...
Sep 3, 2020 | Community
We love City Fruit. City Fruit is a local nonprofit organization that is reclaiming the urban orchard, showing people how to harvest what they need and to share the rest with others. City Fruit “promotes urban fruit to nourish people, build community and protect...
Aug 28, 2020 | Community, Garden Care
Late summer is a great time to enjoy a good book. If you’d like to have some good laughs while learning about natural gardening methods, check out Ciscoe Morris’ latest book, Oh, La La! Homegrown Stories, Helpful Tips, and Garden Wisdom. Ciscoe is a zany...
Aug 14, 2020 | Community, Eco-friendly Gardening
It’s perfect weather for a tall, cool drink. Have some fun and make your summer drinks with fruits, vegetables and herbs from your own garden or from a local farmer’s market. Here are a few ideas. Summer drinks: Cocktails Fresh-style margaritas This recipe...
Jul 30, 2020 | Video, Watering
The weather is hot! Highs in the 80s are predicted for today and tomorrow, and 70s next week. To help your plants survive in the summer heat, they need water. What to water All new plantings—trees, shrubs, perennials, lawn—need regular water for the first two to three...
Jul 16, 2020 | Lawn Care, Video, Watering
Summer has arrived. We expect temperatures in the 80s by next week. Follow these tips for summer lawn health to help your lawn perform well during the hot, dry season. Why should you water your lawn in summer? Some people stop watering their lawn in summer, thinking...
Jul 2, 2020 | Landscape Care, Tree Care, Video
Many people think of pruning as a winter task, but there are a number of great reasons to prune your trees and shrubs in summer. Here are six reasons to consider summer pruning. Help slow growth Summer is a good time to prune if you would like to slow the growth of a...
Jun 24, 2020 | Eco-friendly Gardening, Garden Care, Recommended Plants
This week, June 22-28, is National Pollinator Week. Pollinators include bees, birds, butterflies, moths, wasps, bats, beetles and other insects. We love pollinators because they help flowers bloom and crops grow. Many people help pollinators by planting a variety of...
Jun 18, 2020 | Community, Video
Have you visited us on social media? In Harmony is active online, and we would love to connect with you. Find us on social media Facebook. Check out our new landscape projects, see what our crew is up to and get to know our pet goats, Daisy and Lulu. Pinterest. We...